Visions and Values
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
Vision for St. John’s Primary School
Reviewed Spring 2013
‘Education for Today and Tomorrow’
As a Rights Respecting School these are our core values:
- We listen to each other with sensitivity
- We celebrate difference
- We can accept and enjoy praise
- We can deal with advice on how to make things better
Aims for Pupils:
St. John’s sets high expectations and develops learning for life by working with the children to:
- Develop morals and values, consistent with our Catholic ethos
- Develop ICT skills to prepare for life-long learning
- Achieve potential and experience success in a variety of contexts
- Use and develop individual talents
- Develop and learn to full potential
- To respect themselves and each other and the environment
- Have self-confidence, independence, self-discipline and high self-esteem
- Develop personal and social skills
Mission for the school:
We believe that each child will be safeguarded and will succeed with our dedication and hard work through:
- A wide variety of activities implementing the broad and balanced revised curriculum for Northern Ireland
- A happy, safe, secure and stimulating environment
- Close links between home, school, parish and community
- A positive attitude towards health and fitness
We demonstrate our commitment to working as a learning community by:
- Striving for continuous improvement in all that we do
- Working collaboratively towards our shared vision
- Showing leadership in our areas of responsibility
- Becoming an Investor in People
St. John's Primary School, 30 Moneysharvin Road, Swatragh, Maghera BT46 5PY | Phone: 028 7940 1623