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St. John's Primary School, Swatragh, Maghera

Latest News

25th Oct 2024
Year 2 have enjoyed learning about their five senses through play. We also had some...
24th Oct 2024
Some good times here in St. John's. have a look at
14th Oct 2024
Making our own pizzas gave us a great opportunity to develop lots of cross curricular...
14th Oct 2024
We have been enjoying learning about artists and creating art work.   
1st Oct 2024
We are learning to develop good listening skills. We used our special listening ears...
1st Oct 2024
We are learning to recognise our names. Inspired by the art technique- pointillism,...
1st Oct 2024
‘Talking Maths’ helps us with our learning and in Year 1 we love to...
1st Oct 2024
We enjoyed creating our self portraits outdoors. We talked about our facial features...